Browse the collection of resources, templates and forms to help services and families understand the learning frameworks and guidelines for early childhood education and care services.
Foundations for Success
Sections 1 and 2 of the guideline set out the principles and perspectives that underpin a culturally secure kindergarten program.
Section 3 introduces a decision-making process which educators will use to make intentional, purposeful and thoughtful decisions that guide their planning for children's learning.
Section 4 explores how educators use the decision-making process described in Section 3 to extend and enrich children's learning. It provides an overview of each of the 5 learning areas linked clearly to the outcomes of the EYLF.
In Queensland, a transition statement is a summary of each child's learning across their kindergarten year. It includes contributions from the kindergarten teacher, parents and child.
A printed copy of the statement is made available to each child's family.
Families are encouraged to pass a copy of the transition statement on to the school upon entry into the child's Prep year.
Foundations for Success includes sample interactive transition statements.
Belonging, Being and Becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia—a national early learning framework for children from birth to 5 years old.
My Time, Our Place: Framework for school age care in Australia—assists educators to provide children with opportunities to maximise their potential and develop a foundation for future success in life.
Foundations for success—guideline for extending and enriching learning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the kindergarten year.
Queensland kindergarten learning guideline (QKLG)—provides advice for planning, interacting with children, monitoring and assessing, and sharing information in kindergarten contexts.