If you completed a placement in a Queensland early childhood education and care service that delivers an approved kindergarten program—and you were not already employed in the sector, then you may be eligible for a Queensland Government grant of up to $5,000!
Early Childhood Practicum Placement Grant is for eligible students who will complete their minimum consecutive 15-day practicum placement in an approved kindergarten program (long day care or sessional kindergarten).
The $5,000 grant will help ease the burden for future early childhood professionals.
This grant will help future early childhood teachers offset the costs associated with their final practicum and development as a teacher.
Additional funding is available if you undertook your final placement in an outer regional, remote or very remote eligible early childhood service and travelled more than 2 hours each way from your home to the placement.
Applications close 31 March 2025.
For more information and to apply, visit the Early Childhood Practicum Placement Grant page.