
Over $33 million to unlock the potential of early childhood educators

Queensland Early Childhood Workforce Strategy 2023-27 - Strengthening pathways to early childhood careers 

​​​​​​​​New tailored scholarships and subsidies are now available for Queensland early childhood professionals to upgrade their qualifications, benefit from enhanced career pathways and experience greater work satisfaction.

The $33 million investment will help unlock the potential of more than 2,300 early childhood educators and build the workforce.

This announcement is another initiative under the Queensland Early Childhood Workforce Strategy and will boost the workforce by offering access to scholarships, paid practicums and planning days.

A qualified early childhood workforce is critical to ensuring all Queensland children start strong and thrive by receiving a quality early childhood education.

These initiatives include:

  • $29 million in the first round of the Qualifications Pathways Program (QPP)
  • ​up to $2 million to pilot a Practicum Placement Scheme (PPS) this year
  • wrap around coaching and mentoring for educators seeking to upgrade qualifications for Certificate III, Diploma, Bachelor and Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood through QPP
  • $2.3 million will also fund 2 planning days in 2024 for every eligible Long Day Care service delivering a kindergarten program.

Nearly 2,000 early childhood educators will benefit from the QPP, which will see the Government partner with 9 organisations to deliver scholarships to help fund tuition fees for those studying a university qualification, support for practicums or buying equipment to help them finish their studies.

Nara, an educator in Rockhampton, is just one of many early childhood educators currently working in the sector while completing her studies.

Nara discovered her passion for early childhood teaching upon graduating high school back in 2017.

She completed her Diploma of Early Childhood Education and has been working in the sector since. Wanting to further her skill set and teach the kindergarten program, Nara is currently completing her Bachelor qualification.

'I’m always striving for personal growth and I have a young daughter who I want to be a role model for,' Nara said.

'When I committed to a Bachelor degree, I had come to terms with not being able use any of my holidays for the next 3 years so that I could use it for my placement at the end of my degree.

'These subsidies will relieve the financial stress and mean that I will be able to continue working while studying, therefore not needing to bank up my leave.

I am very passionate about what I do and know early childhood is where I want to be. These incentives will help people like myself to further their career opportunities.'

The PPS will support up to 350 eligible early childhood educators to complete their teacher qualification. Five industry organisations have been approved to administer the pilot program.

Early childhood teachers need time to plan their kindy session and that planning is an integral part of building professionalism in the sector.

The Queensland Government is providing every eligible Long Day Care service delivering a kindergarten program in Queensland with funding for their early childhood t​eachers to participate in 2 planning days in 2024.

These initiatives acknowledge the importance of the early childhood profession and the role they play in our youngest Queenslanders lives.

Importantly, it removes the financial barrier to attracting and retaining the workforce and helps educators to pursue their careers.

Educators are encouraged to speak with their service around these exciting opportunities.

For more information on workforce initiatives visit the training and capability building page.

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Last updated 05 April 2024