
Contact us


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Early Childhood information service

Phone 13 QGOV (13 7468) for information about a Queensland Early Childhood Education and Care service.

Department​ of Education

Early Childhood Education and Care, Department of Education ​

Please include your contact p​hone number in your email.

Local early childhood offices

For a complete listing and contact details, please visit regional offices.​​

Early childhood managers or officers from the Early Childhood Education and Care division are located in a number of ​the Department of Education regional offices across Queensland.

These regional offices are the first point of contact for families, educators, services and schools requiring assistance with any aspect of the early childhood education and care sector that is regulated or supported by the department​. This includes service and provider approvals, complaint management, and assessments and ratings.​​

​​​Governing bodies, authorities and associations​

For information on governing bodies, authorities and associations related to the early childhood section, please go to the early childhood sector structure page.​

Interpreter service for other languages

If you need an interpreter, you can phone 13 QGOV (13 7468).

Assistance in making a call

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact us through the National Relay Service.

  • Teletypewriter (TTY)​ users phone 133 677, then ask for 13 QGOV (13 7468). Calls from mobile phones are charged at applicable rates.
  • Speak-and-listen (speech-to-speech relay) users should phone 1300 555 727, then ask for 13 QGOV (13 7468). Calls from mobile phones are charged at applicable rates.
  • Internet relay users should connect to the Natio​nal Relay Service then ask for 13 QGOV (13 7468).
  • Video relay users – choose the available video relay contact on Skype and ask for 13 QGOV (13 7468).
  • SMS relay users, phone 0423 677 767 and ask for 13 QGOV (13 7468).


The department is working proactively with members of the early childhood sector in progressing early childhood reform and administering legislation.

All feedback and suggestions about our service and performance are welcome. You can contact us by email at (please include your contact phone number).


If you are concerned about the quality or compliance of an early childhood education and care service, you may make a complaint to the department.

What if I am not happy with the investigation or outcome of my complaint?

The authorised officer managing your complaint will include their contact details in the outcome letter you will receive. You should discuss your issue with this officer in the first instance.

If you are still dissatisfied after your discussion with the authorised officer, you may request a review. Your request should include the reason for the review and any relevant information the department should consider. Email your request for review to the Early Childhood Regulatory Authority at

If you remain dissatisfied after this review, you may wish to contact an external agency, such as the Office of the Queensland Ombudsman or seek independent legal advice.

Complaints about the actions or conduct of the department and/or its staff are managed in line with its customer complaints policy. Read more about the customer complaints management procedure.

Accessing information held by the department

A parent, educator, staff member or other member of the public may request access to documents the government holds in relation to an early childhood education and care service (applies to long day care, kindergarten, outside school hours care, family day care, limited hours care, occasional care and specific funded services).

If the early childhood education and care service is regulated under the Education and Care Services National Law, this request is made under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

Last updated 03 April 2024