
Incentives and subsidies


Queensland's workforce initiatives under the Queensland Early Childhood Workforce Strategy will ensure our early childhood workforce is empowered, engaged and supported to deliver quality early learning programs and services.

Learn about what supports are available to you and your service to unlock the career potential and enhance the capacity of Queensland's early childhood workforce.




Scholarships and supports

New tailored scholarships and subsidies are available for Queensland early childhood professionals to upgrade their qualifications, benefit from enhanced career pathways and experience greater work satisfaction.

Qualifications Pathways Program

The new Qualifications Pathways Program (QPP) provides scholarships with wrap-around mentoring support to early childhood educators to undertake further studies to upgrade qualifications.

The QPP focuses on enabling educators to complete qualifications at certificate III, diploma, bachelor or graduate diploma level (early childhood teacher approved qualification). This will assist in meeting the chronic shortage of qualified educators in the sector.

The Queensland Government is working in partnership with 9 organisations to deliver this program.

To be on your way to becoming a qualified educator or early childhood teacher, please contact your relevant scholarship provider listed below.

Read the QPP information pack for information about eligibility and how to apply.

Practicum Placement Scheme

The Practicum Placement Scheme (PPS) pilot will fund the wages for educators while they attend placements as they work towards becoming an early childhood teacher.

Working Towards Educators who have a department-approved 'exceptional circumstance' in place and who haven't yet completed their early childhood degree will be able to access paid practicum in 2024 under this scheme.

Those eligible will be contacted.

Early Childhood Planning Day Subsidy

To support educators delivering an approved kindergarten program, a subsidy is available to approved providers allowing for 2 planning days in 2024.

Early childhood professionals in long day care services need time to prepare their kindy sessions, as planning is an integral part of building professionalism and skills in the sector. This work is often performed outside of standard work hours and completed in addition to teaching duties.

The subsidy is provided to enable backfilling arrangements to cover eligible educators for their non-contact planning days, which do not have to be held consecutively.

For further information, contact your approved provider or the Kindy Funding Team on (07) 3035 2244 or by email at

Early childhood through RATEP—community-based teacher education

The early childhood community-based teacher education program aims to increase the professionalism and employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early educators. RATEP (early childhood) is a community-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early childhood education program offered in Queensland's regional, rural and remote areas. RATEP allows educators to gain or upgrade early childhood qualifications while living and working in their home communities.

The qualifications available include:

  • Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
  • Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
  • Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education and Care).

Delivery is through a mix of online and face-to-face methods by attending residential blocks with other students studying in remote areas. Students will receive ongoing study support from tertiary education teachers and a RATEP Early Years Coordinator.

For information, contact the State Program Coordinator on (07) 4037 3836 or email

Certificate 3 Guarantee

The Certificate 3 Guarantee supports eligible individuals to complete their first post-school certificate III level qualification and increase their skills to move into employment, re-enter the workforce or advance their career.

Fee-Free TAFE

Thanks to Fee-Free TAFE, the career of your dreams in early childhood education and care is within reach. With 5 certificate or diploma-level courses, now's the time to get job ready with Fee-Free TAFE.

Early childhood training skill sets

Early childhood training skill sets are available through the Queensland Government's higher level skills subsidy program to assist educators to gain the higher level skills required to help secure employment in the sector or career advancement. These include:

Rural and remote residential program

The rural and remote residential program supports educators from regional, rural and remote communities by providing study support to assist in the completion of an early childhood qualification.

The week-long program, held quarterly in Cairns, allows participants to build connections between theory and practice and provides opportunities for networking and collaborating with other early childhood educators.


Postcard to promote early childhood careers

Last updated 20 September 2024