
Age requirements and enrolment


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kindy age calculator

Your child can attend kindy in the year they turn 4 years old by 30 June. See if your child starts kindy or schools in 2025. You can also use the kindy calculator below to help you determine your child's start year.


Enrolment into kindy

Many services take enrolments all year. Some accept children at any time but others may have a waiting list.

You can put your child's name on a waiting list before they are old enough to attend. Depending on the service, you may need to enrol your child more than 6 months before the start of the kindy year.

Information required to enrol

When you enrol your child at a kindy, you will be asked to provide:

  • your child's birth certificate or other official document which shows your name and child's date of birth
  • your child’s health and immunisation status
  • details of any court orders, parenting orders or plans, details of any special requirements (disability, food allergies or other needs)
  • details of people allowed to pick up your child and who to contact in an emergency.

Identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

When you enrol your child in an approved kindy program, you will respectfully be asked if your child is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

Your kindy will ask this question to make sure you receive the right assistance with your kindy fees.

This data also helps kindies and government better support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to participate and engage in kindy.

You may need to tick a box on the enrolment form or a staff member at the kindy may ask you in person.

Example question:

Is the child Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?

Example answers:

  • No
  • Yes, Aboriginal
  • Yes, Torres Strait Islander
  • Yes, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

Answering yes

When the kindy staff know your child is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, they will:

  • consider any cultural needs your child might have (you can speak with the kindy teacher about your child's learning and development at any time)
  • include appropriate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into the kindy program.

You are not required to provide verification of this.

Answering this question is not mandatory

It is up to you whether you answer the question or not. You do not have to answer and this will not affect your child's access to kindy.​

Last updated 05 February 2025