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Early Childhood Education and Care
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About us
What we do
Early childhood sector structure
Strategies and initiatives
Early years
Options for care and early learning
Fees, costs and subsidies
Find an early childhood service
Transitions in the early years
Early years brain development
Queensland’s Early Childhood Development Story
Early learning at home
Culture and inclusion
Age requirements and enrolment
Types of kindy
Choosing the right kindy service
What children learn at kindy
Let’s yarn about kindy
Grants and funding
Early years services funding
Kindergarten funding
Kindy Uplift program
Disability and inclusion support programs
Rural, remote and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs
Grants management
Minor capital works grants for sessional kindergartens
Regulating early childhood education and care
National Quality Framework and Queensland legislation
Setting up a new service
Approved learning frameworks
Assessment and ratings
Facilities and building requirements
Staffing requirements and leadership
Health and safety
Policy and procedure guidance
Compliance and enforcement
Early childhood service closures
Templates, forms and resources
Sector news and resources
News for educators and service providers
Teaching and learning resources
Inclusion resources
Reports and research
Start your career
Qualifications and pathways
Where I can work
Workforce planning
Incentives and subsidies
Educator profiles
Contact us
QLD Education websites
Contact us
Early Childhood Education and Care
In this section...
Site map
Site map
Page Content
About us
What we do
Early childhood sector structure
Strategies and initiatives
Workforce strategies
Preschool Outcomes Measure
Putting Queensland Kids First
Early years
Options for care and early learning
Early Years Places
Family day care
Outside school hours care
Fees, costs and subsidies
Find an early childhood service
Transitions in the early years
Moving to an early years setting
Moving to kindy
Moving to school
School decision-making tool action areas
Supporting positive transitions
Transition statements
Starting school resources
Early years brain development
Queensland’s Early Childhood Development Story
Chapter 1: Loving relationships
Chapter 2: Healthy environments
Chapter 3: Learning everywhere
Chapter 4: Strong connections
Chapter 5: Supportive communities
The story goes on: Growing well together
Early learning at home
Developing coping skills
Developing your child's emotional literacy
Executive function skills
Healthy start to life
Managing conflict and recognising bullying
Investigating their world
Learning independence through routines
Ngurambangga Yanhanha—Walking on Country
Reasoning and negotiation skills
The many benefits of music
Why play is important
Baby playtime
Developing motor skills
Games and play ideas
Games for coordination and confidence
Get moving outdoors
Getting crafty
Learning from the elements
Make believe and role play
Making a garden project
Messy fun in the kitchen
Messy play ideas
Physical development
Tactile learning with playdough
Read and count
Exploring writing from a young age
Families as first teachers
Finding relatable storybooks
Games with words and sounds
Learning about technology
Learning with puzzles
Let's have a go at writing
Make your own books
Number play
Reading with babies
Rhymes, rhythm and repetition
Routines and chores as learning opportunities
The power of repetition
Why reading is important
Talk and listen
Connecting with your baby
Discussing sounds
Five reasons to sing along
Language foundations
Multiple languages in early childhood
Talking with your toddler
Culture and inclusion
Age requirements and enrolment
Types of kindy
State Delivered Kindergarten
Choosing the right kindy service
Tips for finding a quality service
Kindergarten room virtual tour
What children learn at kindy
Let’s yarn about kindy
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander role models
Culture in early childhood
Culture in early childhood is the foundation
Elders visit kindy in Toowoomba
Empower our children to become stronger
Grounded in community
Kindy is a good start in life
Kindy is like home
Kindy is the grounding they need
Learning starts in the early years
Ngana Waguna Woori Mumba
Parents and families can get involved at kindy too
Reviving first languages in the early years
Set up for a lifetime of learning
Grants and funding
Early years services funding
Category resources
Results based accountability
Kindergarten funding
Child eligibility criteria
How to apply for funding
Long day care services application process
Sessional kindergartens application process
Third-party gap fees
Statement of fees requirements
Funding essentials for long day care providers
Funding essentials for sessional kindergartens
Kindy Uplift program
Disability and inclusion support programs
Early childhood guidance program pilot
Kindergarten Inclusion Support Scheme
Kindergarten Inclusion Service
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Interpreting support
Rural, remote and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs
Grants management
Acknowledging Queensland Government funding
Early Years Services grants management via QGrants
How to use QGrants
Terms and conditions for QGrants applications
Terms and conditions QGrants claims
Minor capital works grants for sessional kindergartens
Regulating early childhood education and care
Early Childhood Regulatory Authority
Regulatory data
Compliance and enforcement data
Notification and complaint data
Quality data
Regulatory priorities
Health and hygiene
Incident prevention and management
Adequate supervision
Policies and procedures
Risk assessment and management
Positive relationships with children
Support for educational leadership
Regulating for quality
Targeting Quality Program
National Quality Framework and Queensland legislation
National Quality Framework
Education and Care Services Act 2013
Stand-alone care
Setting up a new service
Planning your service
Fees and funding
Display of information
Approvals for National Quality Framework services
How to apply for provider approval in Queensland
How to apply for a service approval in Queensland
Acting on behalf of an NQF approved provider
Fitness and propriety
Management capability
Notification of changes to approved provider
Transfer of service approvals
Waivers under the NQF
Approvals for ECS Act services
Acting on behalf of an ECS approved provider
Waivers under the ECS Act
Building approval
Approved learning frameworks
Foundations for success
Assessment and ratings
Assessment and rating process
Notice periods and partial reassessments FAQ
Quality Improvement Plan
Preparing for assessment and rating
Providing effective feedback
Facilities and building requirements
Fall risk areas
Fencing for outdoor spaces
Premises design for supervising children
Premises, furniture and equipment
Sleep and rest physical environment considerations
Vehicle access
Staffing requirements and leadership
Roles and responsibilities
Educator-to-child ratios
Qualifications and training
Waivers for staffing
Operating multiple home-based activities
Checking a person’s prohibition status
Health and safety
Children's health and safety
Incident and emergency management
Disaster recovery
Reporting—notifying the regulatory authority
Child protection requirements
Statement of Shared Commitment
Policy and procedure guidance
Developing policies and procedures
Policy and procedure guidelines
Managing complaints
Ensuring staff follow policies and procedures
Compliance and enforcement
Publishing enforcement actions
Serious enforcement actions
Early childhood service closures
Templates, forms and resources
Industry associations
ECS Act resources
Operational requirements resources
Assessment and rating resources
Learning frameworks and guidelines
Sector news and resources
News for educators and service providers
Teaching and learning resources
Age-appropriate pedagogies
From research to practice
Language rich and dialogic
Learner focused
Blended approach
Direct teaching/instruction
Event-based approach
Explicit instruction
Inquiry learning
Play-based learning
Project approach
Case studies
Practice snapshots
Examples of practice in the early years of school
Age-appropriate pedagogies professional learning materials
Australian Early Development Census
Disrupted service transition resources
Learning contexts matter
Connection supports wellbeing
Transitions take time and partnerships
Your wellbeing matters too
Key messages for educators
Key messages for families
Sally and Possum
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Sally and Possum teacher and educator resources
Sleep learning for early education professionals
Supported playgroups
Transition to school action area research
Wondering about school
Inclusion resources
Early Years Connect
Inclusion ready
Disability and inclusion resources
Kindy songline
Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Look before you lock
Making big moves smaller
Promoting free kindy
Shape the future
Reports and research
Australian Early Development Census
Early Childhood Education and Care Services Census
Lifting Our Game report
Optimising Outcomes for Children review
Start your career
Qualifications and pathways
Leadership management and support roles
Early Childhood Regulatory Authority roles
Approved qualifications
Where I can work
Working in family day care
Working in long day care and sessional kindergarten
Working in outside school hours care
Working in State Delivered Kindergartens
Workforce planning
Incentives and subsidies
Early Childhood Practicum Placement Grant
Supports for long day care services
Supports for sessional kindergartens
Educator profiles
Contact us
Last updated 03 August 2023