
Transition statements


Transition statements contain valuable information about your child's learning progress and development at kindy, as well as suggestions for supporting a successful move to school.

A transition statement summarises a child's learning in the five learning and development areas of the Queensland kindergarten learning guideline External link or other equivalent and accredited learning guideline.

The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) website External link provides detailed information on transition statements purpose, use, development and the role of parents/carers.

It is an expectation that approved and funded kindergarten providers complete a written transition statement External link for each child enrolled in their program in November of the kindergarten year and provide this to families.

Parents, carers and children contribute to the transition statement describing their child's strengths, challenges, motivations and achievements.

Early education and care services, families and schools can use the information in the transition statement to discuss and plan for children's successful transition to school.

Developing the transition statement

Every kindy follows a similar process when developing a child’s transition statement. For a detailed look at the steps involved and the roles of parents/carers, kindy teachers and schools throughout the process, refer to the transition statement flow chart (DOCX, 6MB).


Watch what parents and teachers are saying about transition statements.

Last updated 10 December 2024