
Supporting positive transitions


Starting school is an important milestone in a family and child's life and the transition period to formal schooling is an opportunity for families, community, early childhood settings and schools to work together.

A successful transition to school is marked by a child’s positive approach to schooling and sense of belonging and engagement.

For schools, transition planning should be responsive to children and families and consider other contexts that may influence the transition, including the local community, existing services and supports and social and economic influences.

Educationally, children’s transition to school is supported when there is real and purposeful alignment between the way learning is presented in kindergarten and the early years of school. This supports children to feel at ease in the new environment and to see themselves as successful learners.

Support available

A range of supports are available to help strengthen transition practices and provide the tools to have meaningful conversations with partners when implementing high-quality transition-to-school programs and improving outcomes for children.

Helping your child move to school

A positive and confident transition to school is your child feeling welcome, safe and confident in their new school environment. This journey begins before your child starts school and only ends when they feel a sense of belonging.

As a parent or carer, there are many ways you can help your child enjoy a positive and confident start to school including these simple tips:

  • be ready to support your child
  • listen to your child's thoughts about starting school
  • make time to talk, read, play and relax with your child
  • share your positive feelings about school
  • practise new routines
  • encourage your child to know how to seek help
  • meet new children and families before the first day
  • celebrate starting school.

Orientation to school

Orientation is an important part of the transition to school. It can be described as an event or series of events and activities, which familiarise children and families with significant features of their new environment.

For an optimal transition to school, all partners have a key role to play. The aim is to support every child to feel secure and have a sense of belonging at school.

Contact your local school to find out more about orientation for your child.

Enrolling in Prep

Find a Queensland state school near you and see how to enrol in Prep.

Use the Enrolling in Prep checklist, so you don't forget anything. Keep it handy on your phone or computer.​​​

Last updated 10 December 2024