
School decision-making tool action areas


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The supporting successful transition: school decision-making tool is a framework for reflection and action. It is designed to assist schools in strengthening their approach to transition and their selection of transition-to-school strategies.

The principles and action areas identified in the tool complement the areas for action identified in the Advancing education: an action plan for education in Queensland.

Descriptions of the practices and strategies that support successful transitions are included through elaboration of the principles, action areas and reflection matrix.​​


  • knowing children and families
  • showing leadership
  • trusting partnerships
  • from evidence to action.

Action areas

  • respect for diversity
  • effective use of data
  • responive environments
  • effective pedagogy and practice
  • reciprocal relationships.


  • collaborative decisions
  • continuity of teaching and learning
  • successful learners.
5 action areas

There are 5 areas for action outlined in the supporting successful transitions school decision-making tool can assist in organis​ing transition strategies, and guide reflection and identification of school-specific transition strategies. A range of research relating to each of the 5 action areas is also available.

The 5 action areas are detailed below.


Using the action areas–planning for transition

Each action area has a series of reflective questions. Descriptors explaining the intent and scope of the action areas are provided to support decision-making.

There is no order of priority to the action areas. Schools may choose to focus on one action area to refine their practice in response to an identified need.

Alternatively, schools may decide to use a suite of strategies that relate to several action areas. Schools prioritise the actions that will deliver the most effective transition outcomes and the best return on investment for their community.

Schools can use the supporting successful transitions inquiry guide to support their decision making about which action areas are relevant to their context and communities.

Strengthening transition practices

Every school and community is unique, requiring a customised transition-to-school strategy.

The supporting successful transitions: school decision-making tool is designed to help schools maximise their readiness to meet the needs of all children and families through strengthening their approach to transition and selection of transition-to-school strategies.

The tool, through the 5 action areas outlined above, guides schools to reflect on current transition practices and identify opportunities to plan and implement targeted, evidence-based actions.

The supporting successful transitions inquiry guide will assist schools to use the decision-making tool to identify, plan and implement transition strategies and practices that meet the unique needs of their community.

The process for strengthening transition practices

Using the decision-making tool and inquiry guide, schools can follow a 4-step process to reflect, plan, act on and review their transition practice:Text says, 'Step 1: assess current transition practice, Step 2: plan collaboratively to establish strategies based on data, Step 3: incorporate strategies into school plans, Step 4: meaure the effectiveness of transition strategies.'

Step 1: Assess current transition practice

In this step of the supporting successful transitions inquiry guide, schools reflect on their current practices and approaches to strengthening transitions.

School reflections can be shared and collaboration can begin with transition partners, including early childhood services and families, to determine what is working well for children, areas for priority action and longer-term aspirational goals.

Step 2: Plan collaboratively to assess strategies based on data

Community data gives an overview of the strengths and needs of children in the area. Using available data, schools can collaborate with early childhood services, community agencies and stakeholders to identify specific priority actions for the school cohort.

The assembled evidence informs discussion between schools and transition partners to establish a shared view of children's strengths and needs, and identify opportunities and barriers to effective transitions.

Step 3: Develop and implement a transition plan

Schools determine the most effective way to implement identified strategies, including refocusing procedures and practice, communicating change and reviewing approaches to monitoring outcomes.

Publishing information about transition-to-school practices on the school website will inform families and community partners.

Step 4: Measure the effectiveness of your transition plan

By embedding the transition actions into school planning documents, schools accept accountability for delivering on identified strategies and the achievement of outcomes.

Schools may choose to report to the school community on the success of their transition strategies through ongoing monitoring and analysis of data. Schools can share transition strategies with their networks or partnership groups in the local area.

Last updated 15 September 2023