
Inclusion ready



Quality early learning is for all children. All children and families benefit from having access to inclusive early learning and development activities that promote positive outcomes.

Children experience inclusion when they fully engage and participate in quality early learning alongside similar-aged peers, supported by reasonable adjustments and tailored responses to help them reach their potential. Parents and caregivers feel included when their role as their child’s first teacher is acknowledged and they are empowered to contribute to the learning and growth of their child. Inclusion remains everyone’s priority and is supported by effective policies and everyday practices across all early years settings.

Inclusive child-centred practice differs from other approaches in significant ways:

Integration—Children and their families participate in learning and development activities but adjustments are not made to support individuals. This can affect participation or their ability to access supportive services that can meet individual needs.

Segregation—Programs and practices might be tailored to a family or child’s individual needs but support is always delivered separately in isolation from other children.

Exclusion—Children and families are unable to access any form of learning and development, support or care.


Practices, pathways and partnerships

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Services and educators are confident and ready to support all children’s active participation in early learning programs and embed inclusive practices.

The department's inclusive education policy External link supports a shared vision to provide opportunities for every child, while meeting the needs of families and communities with a range of services.

Early years services work in partnership with families and other professionals to share perspectives, understand and celebrate different ways of being to deliver an inclusive, child-centred approach to improve outcomes for all children.

Through our interactions, programming and partnerships, we demonstrate our commitment to high expectations for all children, equity in decisions and actions and respect for diversity. The Early Years Learning Framework V2.0 (EYLF V2.0) External link guides curriculum decisions during the first 5 years of children's education and care. Cultural knowledge and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are embedded into kindergarten learning programs through the Queensland kindergarten learning guideline (QKLG)  External link and Foundations for Success External link.

Being an inclusion-ready service means that children and families across Queensland, from all social, cultural, community and family backgrounds, and of all identities and all abilities are able to:

  • be welcomed at their local kindergarten or early years service
  • learn together in a safe and supportive environment that celebrates diversity
  • engage in culturally responsive, differentiated learning through evidence-based activities and tailored programs that meet their learning and developmental needs
  • grow and develop and enjoy positive transitions from home to early learning, kindergarten and to school.

Services obligations

All children, including children with disability, share equal rights and opportunities as valued individuals and as contributing members of families, communities and society.

All early childhood service providers have a legislative obligation to make reasonable adjustments for children with disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 External link. A suite of resources, developed by the Australian Government, to support approved providers, nominated supervisors, coordinators and all service staff to understand implement their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act is available on the ACECQA website External link.

Kindergarten program providers have additional obligations for reasonable adjustments under the Disability Standards for Education 2005 External link.

Understanding and meeting service obligations is an important step in enabling children with disability and their families to participate in education and community services in the same way as other children do.

Early Years Connect information sheets on practical application of the legislation include the following:

  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth)
  • Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Queensland)
  • Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Commonwealth)
  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011
  • Child Protection Act 1999 (Queensland)
Last updated 07 December 2023