Children feel loved and secure in warm, caring relationships.
Loving relationships help children to feel safe. Showing them they are loved builds their confidence, ability to bounce back when things get tough and eagerness to learn.
Regular routines for sleep, play and meals reassures children that they can trust their world.
When you encourage children to talk about their feelings, listen to them and respond, you help them to connect with you, and feel valued.
Talking with children about everyday experiences and celebrating their achievements, builds their language. This helps them to speak up and participate in everyday life.
Listening and responding to children builds their language and social skills
When you listen, they learn to listen to you.
Having more language means children can better express their feelings.
Holding and cuddling your child releases good hormones that support their growth
You can connect emotionally with your child by
talking, smiling, hugging, and laughing.
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