How to apply to become an approved kindergarten program provider and submit Queensland Kindergarten Funding claims via
Read the
Queensland Kindergarten Funding essentials for long day care providers for providing an approved kindergarten program before lodging your application.
Step 1: Create an account in QGrants
Find out how to register for a QGrants login and account by reading the
account creation guide.
Once registered, you will be able to:
- create additional accounts
- manage your accounts
- register a contact officer
- approve access requests to your information
- make an application for approval as a kindergarten program provider.
Step 2: Apply to become an approved kindergarten program provider
Once registered, read the
application guide before applying to become an approved kindergarten program provider via QGrants.
It is important you read the 'before you start' section because there are a number of documents you need to have ready before you start, including the
program delivery template.
Step 3: Enter into an agreement with the department
You need to read and agree to the
long day care funding and service details and the
standard terms and conditions (also available through QGrants), the
kindergarten funding—funding category guidelines and the
Queensland Kindergarten Funding essentials for long day care providers before finalising your application in QGrants. You need to meet the requirements in these documents to remain eligible as an approved kindergarten program provider and keep receiving kindergarten subsidies.
Step 4: Submit a quarterly claim
Once a service has received approval as a kindergarten program provider, an agreement will be created in QGrants which will allow you to receive kindergarten subsidies from the next reporting period. You will be provided with a voucher that will enable you to access credentials which you will need to use in your child care management system (CCMS).
Contact your CCMS provider for instructions and more information about how to submit quarterly claims through your CCMS.
Step 5: Roll-over of applications
Approved long day care kindergarten program providers will need to roll-over their application and enter into a new agreement with the department in QGrants at the beginning of each calendar year to continue to receive kindergarten subsidies. Find out more information by reading the
guide for QGrants kindergarten program provider annual roll-over applications.
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Contact us if you have more questions or require assistance.