


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Transportation requirements

Early childhood education and care services must be vigilant concerning the potential dangers when transporting children in vehicles and have strategies in place to manage the risks and protect children in their care.

Education and care services may transport children in vehicles as part of a regular transportation service, regular outings (e.g. family day care visits to parks and libraries), and for excursions.

The law is clear and detailed about what services must do when transporting children. All early childhood services that transport children must:

  • have a specific written transportation policy and procedure in place
  • ensure risk assessments are carried out (regulation 102B; for excursions: ​regulation 100) and that they consider all of the prescribed requirements (regulation 102C; for excursions: regulation 101)
  • ensure written authorisations have been provided for every child transported (regulation 102D).

There are additional requirements for centre-based services that provide or arrange regular transportation (regulations 102E, 102F and 177):

  • A staff member or nominated supervisor (other than the driver) accounts for children as they get in or out of a vehicle at an education and care service.
  • Records are made showing children are accounted for as they get in or out of a vehicle at the education and care service.
  • Records are made confirming a check of the inside of a vehicle was completed at the service after all children have left to ensure no children remain.
  • Approved providers must notify the Regulatory Authority when they start providing or arranging regular transport, and again when they finish—regulation 175(2)(f) and (2)(g)​. This can be done through the National Quality Agenda IT System (NQA ITS).

These additional requirements represent best practice and help ensure children’s safety and protection from harm and hazard; all services should implement these techniques whenever they transport children, including for excursions.

The Look Before You Lock campaign raises awareness about the importance of ensuring all children have exited a vehicle before locking it and leaving it unattended. Visit our Look before your lock page for the campaign materials.​​

Videos and resources

Watch the department’s Look Before You Lock procedural video to help services ensure children are always transported safely.​​​​


Watch the department’s videos on risk management and policies and procedures, which are ​part of the systems of control that keep children safe, including during transportation.

The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) provides comprehensive, nationally-consistent resources to support safe and lawful transportation of children. They reflect the latest legislative requirements and can be used to support best practice whenever transportation is provided or arranged.

Guide to the National Quality Framework

The Guide to the National Quality Framework is an essential resource to understand the requirements and best practices for the safe transportation of children. Under operational requirements for quality area 2: children’s health and safety, the guide outlines:

  • how transportation provided or arranged by an education and care service forms part of the service
  • centre-based services approved providers’ requirements to notify the regulatory authority when regular transportation is being provided or arranged by the service and when it ceases
  • new requirements that came into effect from 1 March 2023 for centre-based services providing or arranging regular transportation
  • policies and procedures required relating to transportation of children
  • risk assessments for transportation, including the matters that must be considered in a risk assessment
  • authorisations for transportation
  • other important factors relating to the safe transportation of children including passenger safety, first aid requirements, educator to child ratio requirements, adequate supervision and protection from harm/hazards, vehicle checks and insurance requirements.

ACECQA’s information sheets

Minimising the risk of children being left behind in vehicles information sheet (PDF, 1.94MB) also provides an overview of the legislated requirements for services providing or arranging transportation of children. Importantly, this information sheet:

  • outlines the different practices all services should undertake to minimise the risk of children being left behind in vehicles
  • provides reflective questions to support you when reviewing your procedures to ensure children’s safety during transportation.

Safe transportation of children information sheet (PDF, 128KB) is a useful short summary of the requirements for policies and procedures, risk assessment, written authorisation, staffing requirements and record keeping.

Risk assessment

ACECQA’s safe transportation of children safety checklist and regular transportation record form (DOCX, 55.4KB) is a useful tool services can adapt to meet the specific needs of their service for daily transportation risk identification and management.

This risk assessment and management template (DOCX, 283KB) for transporting children (other than as part of an excursion) may be used to assist approved providers, nominated supervisors and family day care educators in undertaking risk assessments before transporting children. It can be incorporated into your own risk assessment material.

Safe transportation of children policy and procedure guidelines

It is expected that, in order to effectively manage the risk associated with transporting children, all approved providers draft their own transportation policy and procedure, taking into account the specific context of their own service, the transport they conduct and the essential transport safety steps listed above.

ACECQA’s safe transportation of children policy and procedure guidelines (PDF, 842KB) are available to support you to develop and review your policies and procedures to ensure they are adequate.

Help and support

Ensure you understand the requirements of the National Regulations, in particular:

If you have further questions about transportation requirements, please contact your regional office.

Related information

Learn more about an approved provider's responsibilities relating to the health, safety and wellbeing of children attending their service:

Last updated 21 February 2025